We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth
Our Mission is to reach out into the community with God’s Word, extending love, hope, and fellowship in the name of Jesus Christ. We will offer an environment in our church that leads others to Christ, nurtures spiritual growth, and promotes worship and service.

Our church is open and friendly with many social activities. All of our activities are designed to bring glory to the Lord and refreshed strength to His people.
Our Pastors
Karl Newmann
“Road Trip! Its when friends and family choose an exciting destination and also look forward to being together on the journey.”
That can be church! A journey with friends (old and new!) as we learn to follow Jesus together. We’ve all got a lot to learn but, like his original disciples, we can learn it together and have Him say, “You are my Friends…” (John 15:14) We invite you to join us as friends on our journey with Jesus.
Worship Leader
Jody Allison
“The team’s love for Jesus and desire to prepare the church for the message is the heart of Bayshore worship.”
Our mission as the praise team of Bayshore Friends Church is to lead people in sincere worship of the Lord, that tills the soil of the heart to be prepared for the planting of the Word. Jesus leads and we follow.
Youth Pastor
Caleb Coffey

The mission of our church is to bring awareness about God’s existence to people of all ages and encourage them to learn their own faith.
Youth and Children’s Program
The Youth program at Bayshore Friends Church is aimed at pointing young people towards Christ using scripture and biblical principles in our current cultural context.

From The Gallery
Upcoming Events
Church Service
for all ages
Sunday School 9:45am
Sunday Service 11:00am
3507 Walsh Ave.
P.O. Box 400(Mailing)
Bacliff, Tx 77518
On Going
Youth Service 7pm
Prayer & Praise 9:30am
Bible Study 11am
First Thursday of the Month Communion is served
2/02 Evening Hour of Prayer in the Sanctuary 6pm
2/15 Men’s Prayer Breakfast 8am